Sunday, October 4, 2009

GRAD 6100 Blog #7

I have good news and I have bad news.

The bad news…I will be dropping GRAD 6100 Monday or Tuesday. (I have jury duty tomorrow, if I get out early enough…it will be Monday.) I have learned so very much in this course, thank you for all your participation. I will truly miss the camaraderie we have worked so hard to establish!

The good news…when I registered for this experience, I was not sure which direction I was headed. As a participant in the UTEP ATCP (Alternative Teacher Certification Program), I thought I was planning to become a high school or middle school English teacher. But since I have been working on my Masters in Education/Bilingual Instructional Specialist, for two years job had been forthcoming. Therefore, when offered the opportunity to participate in this endeavor, I jumped at it while asking “Why not?” Perhaps I was to teach an older student…

As of last Thursday, I am now a 7th and 8th grade English and 6th grade Math teacher. My school day begins at 7:10 a.m. and ends after 4:15 p.m. I am now responsible for a portion of the education of 100 students. I am delighted! However, this means I am no longer available to attend the remaining class meetings, teaching observations, CETaL workshops, etcetera, this course requires.

So, this is my final blog.

Again, thanks to all of you for working to invent yourselves as teachers with powerful teaching skills. I know I am better prepared for my new students as a result of my hours in this course.

Oh, yeah, if any of you have been the least bit wondering...Buttercup is my two-year-old Chihuahua. Anyone who shares their home with a Chihuahua understands when I say, "She owns the house and allows my husband and me to live there!"